7 Paintings (2005)
Some type of sub-title
Some type of sub-title
I hadn't painted for quite a number of years before starting these. For the previous years, making paintings had come second to making a living, having children, moving house and various other family responsibilities.
By Summer 2005, the painting itch had returned big time. I began to work on these as the days began to shorten in August, painting away into the autumn, until I finally felt like I'd reached some kind of language of my own in these pieces.

the atmospheric : mixed media on canvas : 400 x 400mm (2005)

the cabal : mixed media on canvas : 400 x 400mm (2005)

the cicerone : mixed media on canvas : 400 x 400mm (2005)

the herald : mixed media on canvas : 400 x 400mm (2005)

the requisite : mixed media on canvas : 400 x 400mm (2005)

the sentinel : mixed media on canvas : 400 x 400mm (2005)

the sequester : mixed media on canvas : 400 x 400mm (2005)